Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Never Thought This Day Would Come

Today is a day to be celebrated. I have completed a task that I never though possible. Through blood, sweat, and yes, tears I have finally completed my Computer Literacy class! I wanted to give you a little taste of what this class is like. First of all this is a class for learning all of the Microsoft Word programs. It truly has been a beneficial class for me, I cant deny that. But who knows when I will need to create a formula in Access with keyboard shortcuts to calculate the sum of the totals of cells G:2 through cells G:12 then import it into Excel to create a graph(perhaps a 3d Pie chart with default 2-d style) then go back to access and change my formulas then back to excel to update my links then import my pie chart into powerpoint and apply the bevel style, apply transitions and smart art graphics to my bullets then print everything as handouts with 6 per page in black and white. (Oh wait, I forgot to capitalize the "C" in charts, gotta start over.)So glad I am learning all of this to be a photographer.That could come in handy someday.

Let me break this down for you.

We start with one assignment. These assignments take no less than twenty minutes and can easily take up to an hour.

Each assignment is usually more than one page, this particular one is seven pages.

My lovely teacher required that assignements also be saved on the school computer drive so she can look at them "up close" so I had to write the file destination starting from 'My Computer' on every page( which you can see on the bottom of this paper)..... plus my name, my class, the unit, the exercise, and the exact bullet number on EACH page, so she doesnt get confused :) Now this class is done through the business department, where they are very particular about the work. It was not uncommon for me to have to "fix"my mistakes which were usually me mistyping a word, or putting an extra space between my numbers.

So now from here we go to units. There are five assigments per units.

There are 4 units per section, at five assignments per unit, equalling 20 assignments. Here is one unit worth of work.

So now we put it all together: one assignment-30 min 5 assignemnts per unit, four units per section. There are 12 sections.I will let you do the math on that one.....




* keep in mind, one assignment can be up to 7-10 pages...






But dont worry, it all condenses to one nice stack:

Well I came out of the class with an A-. Propably from all of the evil stares I gave her;)