Well I wanted to get all of this written down before I forgot it all :) We have our first baby on the way! As of now I am 18 weeks and 3 days.... give or take 3 days haha!
So taking a picture of myself wasn't very easy! ( I really hate this picture of myself but I need it for posterity!) I wanted to get a picture at the earlier stages for comparison... oh well. At least I have this one now. So I have been feeling like I really show right now... after seeing the picture and hearing people over and over tell me im not showing.. I guess I'm STILL not showing hehe oh well. Guess I should be thankful for that!
Well I wanted to get down on words how things have been so far:
Well about 4 months ago I did start to feel different. Really the only two things that stuck out was feeling so overwhelming hungry and getting tired about mid-day. I had been putting off testing because I had been getting a lot of negative test previously. I was trying to forget about it, and it had worked.I did! So one day I just decided to test again. I put it off all morning, then finally in the middle of the day just decided to go for it. Got a positive result immediately! No need to wait the 1 min or 3 min, whatever it is. Just showed up right away! I really didn't believe it ( and still didn't for about 3 days after). I decided I need a digital test that actually said "pregnant". Brett wasn't going to be home for another hour so I ran to WalMart. I literally jumped out into the car and sped over! haha. I think I knew deep down in my head it was real, and I felt excited. But still!! Yes I felt dumb going in an only getting a pregnancy test... so I decided to buy some oranges. Because buying oranges would make it so less obvious! HAHA NOT! I'm sure the check out girl was laughing at me in her head :) So I got home, took the test and yep! Another quick positive! "pregnant!"
By now Brett was due to come home in 30 min. I texted him and told him "it would be great if you could be home right on time today". Haha! I think he was still 10 min late... geez Brett!!! Just kiddin....
So I think I cleaned everything a human possibly can in 30 min. Dishes, swept, tidy'ed up..... I kept going through my head all the fun ways people break the news to their husband. I couldnt think of anything! Plus we were heading to a friends barbecue in 30 minutes! So I just waited patiently for him to come home. I saw him pull up and just sat at the table waiting for him. He came in the door, shouted out his usual " Im Hooooome!" I lost my nerves and started getting teary eyed sitting at the kitchen table. He came over and asked whats wrong( looking back I should have said something mean like, our dog just died! He is always teasing me, I should have used this to get back at him!) So I just told him I needed him to come home right away. I pulled out the tests and showed him. I knew he wouldn't realize what the "double line" test was( perhaps that's also why I went and got a digital one) so I pulled out the other and showed and he just stared at them looked shocked, then smiled. Now I have to tell you, I have prepared Brett for this moment many times. Like I said, Brett is such a tease, so I told him he HAD to say something positive when this moment actually came. He looked up at me and said " That's so exciting!" I could tell by the way he said it really wanted to say OH CRAP! Haha. I started laughing and we both just laughed together. Well we had about 10 min to be at our friends barbecue, so we jumped in the car and left! haha!
It was kind of funny to show up there with this huge bombshell we just discovered. And to top it off, we had previously gotten a puppy.... 3 days earlier! So we got a brand new puppy... then got pregnant, hahah! It was a great memory, and we have had tons of fun with the excitement already. Even though we can find out the gender anytime, we have decided to keep it a surprise until Christmas Day. We will have our next ultrasound on Dec 9th ( thanks to Scott and Erica!) We will wrap up the "results" and TRY to keep it a secret until Christmas.
13 weeks :)
Our good friends Scott and Erica were nice enough to "hook us up" with an ultrasound. Brett was able to do it himself!
I'm thinking my next post will need to be the video of me breaking the news to my family.. oh it is so great! Stay tuned!
Prince Of Orange Plant
2 months ago